Friday, July 22, 2011

Watch your skirt length.

I understand that there are women who enjoy wearing their skirts short.  I also understand that not every women in the world can wear a short skirt.  In my daily commute to and from work I often see outfits that make me do a double take.  Yesterday was no exception and the cause of today's post.

The temperature in Western Pennsylvania has been in the high 90's and with the humidity, the heat index is about 105 degrees.  So I understand that wearing clothing is something that not many of us want to do, but we all understand it is something that we need to do.  So as I am driving on my way home from work a girl, walking with her boyfriend, caught my eye.  You see, her skirt was short.  And when I say short, I mean super short.  At one point, the girl asked her boyfriend to walk behind her and see if her butt cheeks were showing.  Really... that's the question you need to ask before you even leave the house!  Each time this girl took a step she would pull at the bottom of the skirt to ensure that it wasn't rising up any more. 

So I know that it is all about looking good and feeling good about who you are.  Honestly, I get it.  What I don't get is how showing your butt cheeks is approriate or "sexy" in any way.  How projecting the image that you are is what you truly want for yourself.  Do you think that everyone really wants to see your butt cheeks?  I don't and I am quite sure that there are other people out there that feel the same way that I do as well. 

But the bigger concern for me is that it isn't just this girl dressing this way.  There are hundreds, thousands of girls and women that are dressing this way.  I am concerned that these girls and women think that this is the only way to attract a male.  Attracting a male through those means says nothing about your intelligence, your personality, or even your goals for life.  To me, what that short skirt says is "Hey look at me for nothing more than my body!"  As women we have so much more to offer people than just our bodies.  Start using the brain that God gave you for more than just picking out the shortest skirt! 

As the mother of 2 daughters, I can only hope that I have raised them with enough self esteem to not degrade themselves to the level of wearing super shortty skirts in order to attract a male.  I hope that my daughters are smart enough to want to be more than a sex object to their partner.  I hope that my daughers want to have more in life than just someone looking at their butt cheeks as they drive by. 

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