Monday, October 1, 2012

A day unlike others...

Yesterday was a day that I will remember forever.  One that I have never experienced before.  One that demonstrated that hard work, determination and a strong will to achieve are sometimes all you need.  One that made me cry.  What was the day?  It was the Richard S. Caliguiri Great Race - 10K.  

10 months, 2 weeks and 4 days ago my journey began.  A journey that was necessary to gain my life back, gain some self esteem, and find myself healthy again.  Along this journey, I gained a friend who loves running.  She has completed, 5Ks, 10Ks and half marathons.  She's currently training to complete her first marathon the end of this month, and I couldnt be prouder to call her my friend.  She was the first person that ever mention about running to me.  In fact she said "running melts the fat right off you".  That was my hook, line and sinker into running.  Being a fat girl, all I wanted to do was burn the fat away.  I decided, and I've shared this before, that I would start a Couch to 5K (C25K) program.  I felt this was the safest and easiest way to introduce me to running.  Besides, with being 240+ pounds, I knew that this wasn't going to kill me by running a ton in the very beginning.  

In April 2012, 1 month after starting the C25K program I stumbled upon information for the Great Race - 10K. This race is held every year in the city of Pittsburgh in September.  I decided that I was going to run this race.  I signed up... not even completing the 5K... I signed up to complete a 10K on September 30, 2012.  I think I lost my mind.  

You see the reason why I chose this option, signing up for a 10K as a morbidly obese woman was that it caused me to want something.  Want something bigger than I could imagine.  It gave me something to work towards.  Signing up for the race was the motivation for me to continue to run and run hard.  

I finished the 5K training and then started on a trek to push myself and advance the number of miles that I was doing.  Throughout the summer months I pushed and pushed and pushed myself.  Running was my main exercise and I loved it.  I built myself up to doing 3 short runs (30-40 minutes) and 1 long run day each week.  The long run day was always a build upon the long run the last time (so if 4 miles long run day then the next long run day I pushed to 5 miles).  This training was hard but necessary.  The training was awesome because I felt so strong.  

So here it is, October 1, 2012.  Yes, the Great Race was yesterday.  I did it.  I ran the 10K Great Race and I can't possibly tell you the emotions that I had.  About 1 mile into the race I started to cry because it hit me and hit me hard.  1 year ago I wouldn't have been able to walk 1 mile without being out of breath, let alone running 6.2 miles.  I had taken my life back and provided myself years of health.  I had provided more quality of life with my family.  I was, by losing the weight, allowing myself to be healthy, happy and comfortable with myself. I had morphed into a new person, one that believes in herself. 

Yes I did it!  I completed the 10K in 1:04:33.  That was my best time ever and I am so excited.  So excited that while at the Great Race Expo I signed up for the 1/2 marathon on May 5, 2013.  Yes... a 1/2 marathon.  Am I crazy - yes, I think I am.  But I do this because it allows me to push myself even more.  Want more from myself and more for myself.  We will see what emotions the 1/2 marathon brings that day... if it's anything like yesterday then I better bring lots of tissues!

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