Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What is wrong with people today?

This morning as I was reading the news online, I came across a story of a father from Texas, who is accused of kidnapping and drowning his 2 sons - ages 5 and 3.  Yesterday I read a story of a man, from Louisiana, who is accused of killing his 7 year old disabled son and then dismembering the body.  If that wasn't enough, the police report that he left the head of the boy out by the curb so that the mother would see it when she drove by.  So reading all this horrible stuff in the news had me thinking... What's wrong with people today?

I guess when I ask that question I must qualify that statement by saying that I am not speaking about EVERYONE!  There are many good people in the world, just ask me as I have found so many of them in my own life.  Those that are there for you no matter what, help you in your times of need, lend an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on if you find yourself in that position, or even those who are many miles away and you know that they are still there for you.  I am glad that those people are in my life.  I am grateful for help I have received, the support that has been given, the talks that they have listened and provided advice, and picking me up when I am at my lowest. 

It is just disturbing to me to read of 2 men, in the last week, who have been accused of killing their own children.  What is wrong with these men that they could take the lives of the innocent children they had?  I know that there are marital issues, domestic issues, health issues and money issues, but being the mother of 2 beautiful girls I cannot understand what drives a person to do this type of heinous crime!  Watching my daughters become the women that God created them to be is so rewarding.  The highs and lows are all part of being a parent.  The 7 year old disabled boy didn't ask to be born with cerebral palsy and a heart condition, but that is what he was given in life.  As a parent you have to love that child unconditionally and support his needs.  And before anyone asks, I do not have a child with any sort of disability so I do not know what that man was going through with his care.  I do know, however, that murdering your child is not the answer! 

I just don't understand how anyone can kill a person, let alone take the life of their own child.  An innocent, unconditional loving child.  I read these 2 particular stories and my stomach turns, my heart breaks and I find myself with tears in my eyes (yes all the cliches are out now).  These beautiful children who did not have a chance to live out their lives, fall in love with the person of their dreams and make their parents proud with the decisions that they make in life.  Children are our future and it is not the job of a parent to snuff out their life when things are bad for us in our adult lives. Love your children folks, let them live their lives to the fullest and become more than you can imagine. 

In both situations the mothers are left behind to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.  Coming to terms with the fact that their child has been murdered and the accused murderer is someone that the child looked up to.  I can't possibly imagine the pain that these women are going through and only hope that they find the comfort that one needs to get through this.  I pray that individuals who are in difficult situations will seek the help that they need and work through the problems that they have and turn to your child for laughter and not murder.

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see".  -John W. Whitehead

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