Monday, December 5, 2011

No looking back...

I am now 3 weeks into this and I honestly can say that I feel better.  I know that I haven't lost mega amounts of weight in the past 3 weeks (8.4lbs to be exact) but because I am feeding my body better, I do truly feel better.  Additionally, I am getting more sleep each night and drinking plenty or more water.  These are all basic facts that I learned when I was in Weight Watchers, and these basic things make a big difference in your weight loss success.   

Much of the success that I have had is based in the fact that I am tracking everything that I eat via the Lose It! app.  Weight Watchers worked the same way too - tracking the food that you eat, except with Weight Watchers it is a points based system and for me now it is really all about calories.  I ABSOLUTELY HATE that I have to track everything that I eat.  I hate needing to enter in information about the food that I am eating.  I hate that I have to plan ahead for the day to ensure that I have enough calories for dinner.  I hate that I have to count calories at all!  But with all of that hate... I realize that it is what I have to do because it is very obvious that without this tool and tracking I cannot do it on my own!  Hence why I am in this situation to begin with.  

So although I hate the thought of tracking my food, I will continue to do so.  Why you ask... because there is no turning back now.  I have a "taste" for losing weight and I have a definitely goal in mind.  I also have so many smaller goals that are based upon my weight loss (like going to the beach this summer and not covering myself completely up or wearing those smaller sized clothes that I have packed away this spring).  I want to be able to feel even better, and I know that will come with each ounce that I lose.  I also want to be a great role model to my kids about difficult struggles and managing through them.  Finally, I want to love myself on the outside as must as I love myself on the inside.  

I guess staying positive is the key to not looking back and continuing on this long journey ahead of me.  I know that magically tomorrow, that I will not love tracking my food.  I also know that I will not suddenly wake up 40lbs lighter.  Instead of hating the idea of tracking, I must find the positive in it.  For me... it's the end result that gets me through that dislike.  


  1. Congrats on your loss. I do okay tracking until lunch time and then things get crazy and I stop writing everything down. Maybe I can start again in January.

  2. Ann,
    Every morning I enter in the food that I will eat for breakfast, lunch and snacks in the app Lose It!. I know that if I didn't take the time to do it in the morning (when I am packing my lunch) that I too would get caught up in life and things at work, and miss entering in information. This method has worked very well and I hope that I can continue it.
