Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is running for me?

I started my journey on November 13, 2011.  When I began this journey I focused on nutrition only.  I did very little (almost none) exercise.  My thinking was that I needed to put all of my energy into learning how to feed my body right before I began to work out.  On January 2, 2012 I joined the local YMCA, as I had given myself time to learn about the nutritional aspect and now it was time to shift gears to exercise.  In my initial plan, I wanted to work out about 3-4 days a week.  

It is now February 21, 2012 and I have been at this work out "stuff" for a little over 7 weeks.  In that time I have challenged myself on the elliptical machine, treadmill, stair master, bike and even some weighs.  Each time I tried a new machine I wouldn't allow myself to fail.  I persisted until I reached a level and goal that i set for myself.  First it was little goals, like completing 30 minutes on the elliptical on resistance 8 or 15 minutes on the stair master on resistance 10.  Each time I pushed myself, I found that I could achieve the goals set forth!  Additionally, I have moved into working out 7 days a week.  I honestly feel horrible if I even think about missing a day at the gym.  

So now... the newest challenge for me, after watching 2 of my fellow gym rats, is to run.  As a "morbidly obese" female, I honestly don't think that I can actually run.  Heart rate, lung capacity and my joints and muscles not being used all concerned me with my current weight.  Yes, I know that I have lost some weight (almost 37 pounds to be exact), but I am still very much overweight.  But I am all about a challenge when it comes to the gym and it didn't help that someone told me that running will help "melt away the pounds".

So last week i decided to try my hand at running.  I downloaded a Couch to 5K (C25K) app (because that's they way I do everything).  The app is to prepare you for a 5K in 8 weeks.  You work on running 3 days a week for the 8 week time period and at the end of it, you are suppose to be able to run a 5K.  In the first week you walk briskly for 5 minutes, then rotate between 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.  Then you end with a cool down for 5 minutes.  Now it doesn't sound like much, but for someone who doesn't run at all, this made me sweat like you wouldn't believe and certainly got my heart racing!  Additionally, I decided that I needed to add some additional running into my routine and kicked it up a notch.  I ran 1 day in 3 different increments (2 minutes, 3 minutes and then 4 minutes).  Another day I challenged myself even more and did 3 different increments (6 minutes, 5 minutes and 5 minutes).  Throughout the week I noticed that I can push myself and I can run!  I may not be the fastest or able to complete many, many miles, but I can run... at my pace.

This week is Week 2 of my C25K.  I do a 5 minute warm up walk, rotation of 90 seconds jogging and 2 minutes briskly walking and end with a 5 minute cool down.  I completed day 1 and it kicked my butt.  Tomorrow is day 2 and I am excited to challenge myself again to complete day 2 and move onto day 3.  I am hoping that Week 3 won't kill me... but only time will tell.  

I am hoping that I can complete a 5K sometime in the future.  This C25K will take me to the middle of April to complete and that's just in time for 5K season.  I am not sure when I will run one, but I am determined to complete a while 5K and not just walking one.  

Challenge yourself.  Raise yourself and your workout to new highs.  If you don't try new things, you will never know what you are able to accomplish in life :)

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