Monday, February 6, 2012

Making the hard choices

Life is full of choices... some are easy and some are difficult.  Some choices are life changers.  Some choices you enjoy making and others are one's you wish someone else would make for you.  Some choices you make aren't what you want to do, but what you have to do.  

This weight loss journey has really shown me that I have made some wrong choices along the way.  I also learned that the choices that I have made in the past do not define who I am today.  I am making changes every day to change the long term affects of the choices that I have made. Those negative choices have included not working out, eating what I want and when I want it, eating fatty and fried foods a lot, and eating out unhealthy choices more than eating at home.  It is tough to know that I have created a situation for myself based solely on my own choices.  

This past Friday evening I attended the birthday party of a close friend's son.  It was a typical kids party, with pizza, soda and birthday cake.  It was from 9:30pm-midnight.  I had to make a hard choice about the food choices that I made at that party.  I knew that sweets are my downfall... as I love birthday cake and the super sweet icing that is on it.  I knew before ever stepping for into the bowling alley for that party that I COULD NOT allow myself even a sliver of that cake.  This choice wasn't because I am on a diet and I know that birthday cake is far too many calories (of which I had exercised enough on Friday to allow me to eat cake and not be over my calorie amount for the day) but because of my wanting to be stronger than a piece of cake.  I know that sounds silly, but I needed to exert my willpower over that piece of birthday cake.  I personally needed to know that I could stand and look at that cake and not want a single piece of it.  And you know what... I did.  I beat the birthday cake, I beat the pizza and I beat the soda.  This choice my friends, was the right choice.

In 2 days we will be celebrating my oldest daughter's 13th birthday.  There will be birthday cake.  And I will eat a piece.  This is a choice of importance, and celebrating my daughter entering into her teenage years is very important to me.  I now know that I am able to say "no" when necessary and not feel bad about it or think that I may die because I didn't indulge.  The day of her birthday, I will just spend a little bit more time working out so that I don't feel bad about the calories that I am eating.

Remember... the choices you make today will impact you for life.  Make your choices wisely.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Now it will let me comment! I want to tell you how proud I am of you and what an inspiration you are to so many people! Also, I love the comment where you said you wanted to be stronger than a piece of cake. I love it! Some people might think that is silly, but anyone who has struggled with weight will understand. And YOU ARE STRONGER THAN A PIECE OF CAKE...AND ANYTHING ELSE!!! Go you!
