Monday, April 9, 2012

A much happier place...

So I was thinking about what to write for this week's blog entry and I kept coming up with nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  And unfortunately, nothing is not an option.  

So after today's weigh in, I discovered what my topic would be.  You see, I have reached a weight that I have not been in about 15 years.  That's right, this is the thinnest I have been in a VERY long time.  And not only is this the thinnest that I have been in 15 years, but this is by far the healthiest that I have been in, well... my whole life.  And that brings me to such a happy place.

For the first time in a long time, I am able to look into a mirror and not be grossed out by my appearance.  For the first time ever, I am running at least 3 days a week and for lengths that I could only imagine.  For the first time in a long time, I am able to not cave into the yummy looking cupcakes that are sitting in my kitchen.  And for the first time in my life, I am in a much happier place.  

This happy place isn't just about my appearance, it is more so about my health.  Being able to walk up a flight of stairs and not be completely out of breath.  The happy place of seeing the scale continue in a downward spiral.  My happy place of hopping on the treadmill and knocking out 4 miles running and knowing that my body is stronger than it has ever been.  The happy place of hearing "You look great".  And a happy place of knowing that I am adding years back onto my life just by taking the necessary steps to get myself healthy.  

Everyone has it in them to do what I am doing.  I don't posses some special or magical power, instead what i do posses is determination, a strong will, drive and motivation to change the destructive path that I was on.  It really isn't rocket science on how to take charge and get your happy place regarding your health back.  The equation is easy... eat less calories than you burn and exercise, exercise, exercise.  That's it.  Now how you approach this can be different from person to person.  I personally have chosen to use a calorie counting app on my phone and it has been very successful.  Again, this is all about taking back my happiness.  

So yes, I am happy.  I am getting healthy.  And I am not shy about sharing my story.  Do you have to be "skinny" to be happy... absolutely not!  Do you need to lose weight to be happy... again the answer is no.  This journey isn't for everyone and I know that.  But what I do know, is that I haven't been happier than I am today in a very long time.  And I attribute a lot of this happiness on the fact that I am getting healthier.  


  1.'ve discovered the's great, isn't it? And it just keeps getting better and better...
