Thursday, November 17, 2011

Celebrating the little things

So today I accomplished something little, but huge in my eyes.  Today, after completing my 36 minutes on the elliptical, I have successfully worked out on the elliptical 5 days straight for 30+ minutes each time.  I know this isn't a marathon or even a half marathon, but it is a little accomplishment that I celebrate.  Going from never working out to 5 straight days is definitely something for me to cheer about!  

So this brings to mind that I have a VERY BIG GOAL... to lose 100 pounds.  To think of 100 pounds is definitely overwhelming and could cause someone to lose hope in achieving that goal (been there, done that).  It seems even more overwhelming to me when I think that my weekly goal is losing 2 pounds.  Seriously folks that's forever to get to the 100 pound mark.  I see why people who are trying to lose weight lose all hope of accomplishing what they set out to achieve.  When you look at the big picture, it is discouraging.  

So to be successful you have to look at the small accomplishments or as I like to think... Celebrate the little things.  Today was a celebration for me.  Meeting my initial goal of working out 4-5 days a week was huge in my world.  I know it's only week 1, but this sets the stage for future weeks. Had I given into the idea of nestling under the covers instead of getting my butt out of bed, I would have never achieved this little accomplishment.  I will celebrate on Sunday when I do the official weigh in - and yes I will celebrate even if I only lose 1 pound... why, because that's a pound that I no longer have to lose!  

I guess it is important for me to set bigger smaller goals, such as losing 25 pounds and rewarding myself.  This again breaks the big goal into something manageable.  And for a reward, it needs to be anything but FOOD!!!  I have given thought to a mani and pedi, possibly a pair of earrings or a bracelet, it could even be a new purse (well not new for me because I rarely ever buy a "new" purse).  I am taking suggestions for ways to reward myself for the 25 pounds... so share your suggestions.  I am open to just about anything and I need several of the 25 pound rewards, so the more suggestions I have the better off I will be.

So to wrap this all up... be loud and proud about the small accomplishments.  Be excited when you do something as simple as meeting your workout goal for a week or losing 1 pound.  Celebrate the small stuff because in the end, it's the small stuff that adds up to create the big picture (just like a puzzle).  

1 comment:

  1. You must celebrate non scale victories. Congrats on yours!
