Monday, January 30, 2012

A humbling experience

I am 11 weeks into this weight loss journey and I have certainly learned a lot about myself, about the must for exercise and about eating healthier (and not giving up the things I love most).  Throughout this journey, there have been many that have told me that I have inspired them, or that my actions motivate them.  This certainly was never my intent when making the decision to write this blog and also post everything on social media sites.  However, I am honored, proud and humbled by the sheer fact that people have found me to be inspiring.  I have always said to close friends that if 1 person changes their unhealthy lifestyle because they read my posts or blog, then it was all worth it.  This is still the case and honestly it warms my heart to know that my little circle of friends and family are changing their lives to become a healthier unit.  

Last week, on 2 different days, I was contacted by 2 individuals.  One told me that I was her role model for the weight loss journey.  WOW... I have never considered myself a role model especially being as overweight as I am.  This statement impacted my life in more ways than this person could have imagined.  I am glad that I have touched her life in such a positive way.  She's working hard now and losing weight... 2 pounds this past week (she shared with me and I am VERY proud of her hard work)!  The second person is a family member and I received a text message from her.  This text message expressed that I "inspired her to start using the elliptical machine", which she confided in me is "kicking her butt".  Again, WOW!  How awesome is it that this person is working harder, on a new piece of gym equipment.  This particular person and I talked at Christmas and I shared my own experience on the elliptical machine.  I guess my story had inspired her into moving out of her comfort zone and towards a new work out!  Way to go ladies... your stories are actually an inspiration to me!

As inspiring as some people may find my story to be, it is those same individuals that I am inspired by as well.  Every day when I am lying in bed thinking that I could just stay under those warm covers and skip the gym, I am reminded of everyone out there who is getting up and getting it done.  I think about the example that I would be setting if I did wimp out.  I think about how many calories I can burn off in the work out and what that means to my body.  I think about the hard work that others are putting in.  Finally, I think about my family and closest friends who wouldn't want me to give up.  I know that by getting out of bed and doing what needs to be done, that 1 person may do the same.  That... is inspiration enough!  

I know that it may seem that I am tooting my own horn, but that really isn't the case.  As the title says, this is all very humbling for me.  It is hard for me to think that something that is as important to me as losing this weight, has caused such a fever in so many others and they are taking action to do the same.  I am humbled by people telling me that they are doing exercise on a Saturday afternoon because they thought of me getting up at 6am.  I am humbled by the out pour of support by friends, family and perfect strangers.  It is a difficult journey, but with your support I will continue to make it through!

One final note, as I can't leave without sharing my excitement.  When I began this weight loss journey, I told myself that I needed smaller goals because 110lbs was just too big to think about.  I broke my overall goal into 25lb markers.  Today's official weight in revealed that I have reached my first goal.  I lost 6lbs this week and this brings my total to 28lbs in 11 weeks.  I am so very excited to reach this first goal.  Also, as a reward, I will be purchasing the "Journey" Pandora bead.  This bead represents all the bumps along the road that is ahead of me.  I know, that with the support of my family and friends, that I can hurdle over these bumps and towards my own personal finish line.  

Thank you everyone!  I love you all and appreciate the support you have shown me!

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